
Learn XD: Get a jump on your design skills here with Adobe’s easy to get started tutorials.

XD Creative Challenge: Another great Adobe site that offers weekly design challenges. You can also try any of their past challenges. Adobe provides the files!

Figma Videos: Videos to start creating in Figma

Daily UI: Daily UI is a series of daily design challenges design inspiration and neat surprise rewards.

Material Design Understanding Type

Convergent & Divergent Thinking: Explains these processes and how they work together.

Figma UI Design Tutorial: Get Started in Just 24 Minutes! (2022)

Google Design

User Research

How to ask a question

How Miro does UX Research

Grids & Responsive

Figma Tutorial: Setup a Responsive Grid Layout for UI & Web Design (IN 11 MINUTES)

How to Calculate Responsive Grid Layouts (STEP BY STEP!!)

Everything you need to know about spacing & layout grids

Responsive Design with Auto Layout and Constraints in Figma

Responsive Layout Grids Adobe XD Tutorial

Material Design Responsive Layout Grid

Create a responsive layout with Breakpoints in Figma

Breakpoints - Figma

The concept of Breakpoints. Pain reliever in Figma


Figma Tutorial: Components - The Basics

Building flexible components using the "slot" method

Name & Organize Components - Figma

Figma Tutorial: Components - Organize Your Components


Think it. Build it. Ship it. Tweak it: How to maximize Miro at all stages of product development.

Getting Started With Miro

Miro Tutorial

Figma - Starting a new project with a blank canvas

10 tips for Working 10X Faster in Figma

Name & Organize Components - Figma

Figma Video: Naming things in Figma

Figma Layers Panel Tips

Design & Layouts

How having the wrong level of zoom can distort design feedback

How To Not Suck At UI Design

How To Structure A Website Home Page

Understanding Hierarchy in Design

More on Hierarchy From This Guy

How to Design Good Layouts

Explore auto layout properties - Figma

UI Kits

UI Kits

Create the Perfect Typography Scale for UI & Web Projects (IN 10 MINUTES) - Part 1


Figma Smart Animate Part 1

Figma Smart Animate Part 2

Figma Hover Effect - Button Hover Effect Figma - Hover Effect Figma

Design Systems

Build it in Figma: Create a Design System — Foundation

Build it in Figma: Create a design system — Components

Build it in Figma: Create a Design System — Components continued

Build it in Figma: Create a Design System lV — Testing

Build it in Figma: Create a Design System V: Documentation

Create a Design System with Figma - Full Course - This is a super-comprehensive, 7 hour course by Free Code Camp.

Creating a design system in Figma: a practical guide

Atomic Design


XD: Collaborate and coedit designs


Aaron Draplin Takes On a Logo Design Challenge

Case Study & Presentation

How to Write a UX Case Study: Template and Examples

Journey Folio: JourneyFolio is a framework that can help you structure your journey and portfolio, putting your own narrative on it.

UX Storytelling in 3 Steps – Be the Hero of Your Own UX Portfolio:

6 Easy Tricks for Designing a Text-heavy Presentation

Adding a .gif to an image in Photoshop

Animated .gif editor and .gif maker.

Job Hunting

How to Crack the Product Manager Interview by Gayle McDowell - The must-watch guide to landing a PM job.

Product Management Interview Lessons by Product Alliance. Watch them. Master them.

Design Tools

Affinity Diagram

User Flows

Site Map1

Site Map 2

Customer Journey Maps

Competitive Analysis

A Product Designer's Guide to Competitive Analysis

A Guide to Competitive Analysis for UX Design



Sketch App Resources: Lots of great free resources. You can open these in Sketch or XD.

Material Design: Material Design is a design language that Google developed in 2014 which uses more grid-based layouts, responsive animations and transitions, padding, and depth effects such as lighting and shadows.

Murral: Digital workspace for visual collaboration. Sticky notes, shapes, connectors & more.

Meister Task: Project management tool.

Apple Human Interface Guidelines

Mobbin: Mobile design patterns

UI Patterns

Microsofts Inclusive Design

Balsamiq: This ultra-easy to use wireframing software makes rapid prototyping super quick and painless.

Whimsical: Hate designing flow charts? Try Whimsical.

Figma UI Kits

Neomorphism UI Kits

User Flow / Task Flow

Personas - Sitemap builder

Proto Pie

Map UI Patterns

Maps & Mobile User Experience


Deep Space Food Challenge - Help bring innovative food production technologies to space and here on Earth.

Open Ideo Challenges- an open innovation platform by IDEO. Join our global community to solve big challenges for social good


Designing with the Mind in Mind

101 Things Designers should know about people

Just Enough Research

Meeting Design

Articulating Design Decisions

The Design of Everyday Things by Don Norman

The Storytelling Animal: Gottschall

Universal Methods of Design: Martin

Understanding Comics: McCloud

Drawing Ideas: Baskinger

Sprint: Knapp

101 Design Methods: Kumar

Real World Research: Robson

Designing Interactions: Moggridge

About Face: Cooper

Sketching Interactions: Buxton

Experience Models are Data as a Story